
Wednesday, June 29


I have been inspired by Sam over at My Life in Pictures. She takes a simply amazing photo every day and shares it with her readers. I’ve decided that I want to do that too, just maybe not quite as amazing.

I have this awesome little P&S camera I bought at New Year’s this year. It’s waterproof and shockproof and dustproof and small and green and I love it. I have it in my purse at all times. And yet I never use it. I blame insecurity. I feel awkward busting it out at random moments to take a pic of someone. And I’m not really that confident in my photography skills.

But, as I said before, I’m going in. (1, 2, 3, and go!) I’ll be taking at least one picture a day and writing about it. Or I’ll write about something and try to take a picture that fits. Depends on the day…

So this was Monday’s (06.27.11).

When I pulled up behind this SUV, I didn’t immediately notice the vehicle, but I did notice what it was reflecting. The clouds yesterday morning were painting a lovely view for my morning drive.

I will admit to snapping this one whilst driving down the freeway… I drive by the uberly busy DFW airport every morning and evening and often have planes flying quite close above me. It’s so cool.

I hope I never take the small things for granted. A picturesque sky (no matter how inept the photographer), the passing shadow of a plane, the rough licks of a kitty’s tongue, the bursting laughter of my best friend. It’s the small things that make life truly beautiful.

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