For the past few weeks, I have been realizing that I really enjoy spending time with other people.
This may seem like a strange thing to realize, but I consider myself to be fairly independent. And therefore, a part of me assumes that I shouldn't care whether or not I hang out with people.
People use air quotes all the time. It's a great visual for communicating sarcasm and facetiousness. (One of the few big words I actually use, because it is awesome.)
I keep waiting for a perfect subject to blog about so I don't screw anything up but I've realized perfection will never come here on earth and if I screw it up it's not the end of the world. So here's a toast to writing.
So apparently I suck at posting while on vacation. Oh well. I'm just not as committed as Bex, who is the one that motivates and inspires me, whether she knows it or not.
Trust me I have plenty to say and pics to show. Just haven't gotten around to it...
I have been inspired by Sam over at My Life in Pictures. She takes a simply amazing photo every day and shares it with her readers. I’ve decided that I want to do that too, just maybe not quite as amazing.
Once again I’m joining that cool chick over at Bex… a Style Diary and sharing with the world the things that have brought joy to my little heart this week in Thursday Latelies.
I know this girl who’s really cool. She’s got a blog over at Bex… A Style Diary(not dairy, completely different blog) and every Thursday, she posts her “Thursday Latelies.” Simply put, it’s a day of the week to step back and look at what has been bringing you joy and happiness during the week. She’s constantly inviting people to join her, and after much persuasion (not really), I’ve acquiesced. Her post is video, but I’m not really ready for that just yet.
As I mentioned in my last post, I’ve learned that a good blog doesn’t have to be long and wordy. The girls over at Bex... A Style Diary and Etta Grace have a simple format that keeps me coming back every day. So I’m going to copy them a little bit.
I am a loyal Dbacks fan. For some time, I loathed the Dodgers, Cubs, & Yankees. Now, I must be honest with you. I can't say that there is any team that I hate. The Dodgers have players from ASU. The Cubs have former Rays whom I have loved since '08. The Yankees are now without Joe Torre & George Steinbrenner, and I greatly respect Joe Girardi. So I find it hard to hate any team.
Well I've clearly gotten WAY out of practice here. For those of you keeping score at home, it's been 2.5 months since my last post. As I've said in the past, I am consistently inconsistent. So good for me.
This is something that’s been heavy on my heart for the past few days. It has truly affected many areas of my life recently and I just have to let it all out.
Okay first of all, I've not been consistent in this whole blogging thing. Let's just all accept it and get over it. And yes I'm mainly talking to myself there.
Anyways, there is something that came to mind this evening of which I just really need to express my thoughts.
I am really frustrated right now. I am going to try to vent that frustration here without going in to any kind of specifics. I'm not sure if I will be successful at this, but what the heck. It's all I can think about right now, anyway. I promise not to cuss. At least not anymore.
Tonight I want to share something with you all that is very near and dear to my heart. I have yet to mention on here, so you probably don't know this, but I am a fan. A baseball fan. A big one. And by big I mean in devotion, not is size.
I cannot stand to failing so much that I usually avoid trying anything at all so that I have not chance of failing at anything. That statement in itself is cause for much self-relfection, regret, and probably a book's worth of blog posts. But that's not where I'm at right now.
Why am I okay with sex all over the TV and movies?
Why do I not really realize that the characters I'm watching sleep together are not married and this is not okay?
My dad's dad passed away on October 29th, 2010. The next day, my brother, sister-in-law, and I drove to Phoenix and then Washington to be with my parents at the funeral. That trip will have its own post on another day.
I totally had a really funny thought today that made me laugh out loud. I wanted to share it, but I can't remember what it was. My mom says I'm getting old. I said whatever.
Here's the thing. Christmas is too important a holiday and too enjoyable a season to last for just one day or one month. And, how do you define the days before Christmas? Christmas Eve is recognized worldwide. But what about all the other days? The 23rd and 22nd? Or the many days after?
Okay I realize it's been about two months since I've posted anything and that is just pathetic. I am sorry. I have been down a path of self-discovery these past few days which has ended with this: I am terrified to write.
If you don't know me, that might not seem like a big deal.
If you know of me, that might not seem like a big deal.